Sunday, November 24, 2013

'Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues' Australian premiere

- The cast sings Afternoon Delight
- GNC Global News
- 3News
+25 photos in the gallery 
tipsters: Carrie, ann


Hannah Jasmine Kim said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hannah Jasmine Kim said...

Hi, it's 2015 and I have noticed that you haven't been updating this blog since 2013. I'm a new fan of Steve ever since I saw something special in him as soon as I finished my high school graduation test in November, which requires a year to prepare for. I just gobbled up every videos, every movies and stuff about him in my newly given free time and I am very happy to say, as an acting student, I have learned so much from him. But your videos, and posts were something that I hadn't seen before and this blog felt like a graduation present to me. Why did you stop blogging? I know it's hell of a lot of work to maintain a fan blog that even contains every photos of events Steve attended. If you're not going to blog anymore about him, that's fine. You've done a great work and I and many other people are very grateful for this blog, as it's like an archive(most of your videos are not found anywhere, especially not YouTube). But would you please leave a goodbye post so we can know that this is not updated any more and don't remove this blog!! Thank you!
PS. Some of your videos cannot be played and I suppose all of them are not downloadable. Can you do something about them?
PPS. The former comment that I removed had some typos, but this one is the same.