now starting to realize what it means that we won't be seeing him on television every week
anymore like for the past 6 years .
So without further ado I hope you guys don't mind, I can't think of a nicer way to say goodbye
than with your favourite Michael Scott moments:
Thanks to DJ Jazzy Flax for starting the conversation!
DJ Jazzy Flax: Since this Thursday is Steve's last Office episode, just wondering what
everyone's favorite Michael Scott moment/quote/episode is? And you can only pick one!
Carrie: So we can pick one moment/quote/and episode or just one out of all of these? sorry just
Julia: favorite moment is a tie between his kiss w oscar and him portraying angela, phyllis and
jim in the vid.
my favorite quote is that's what she said or "Would I rather be feared or loved? Umm.... easy,
both... I want people to be afraid of how much they love me." Or BOOM ROASTED.
my favorite episode is STRESS RELIEF!
What is yours and everybody elses!?
And dinner party and fun run come in at a close 2nd and 3rd
Carrie: Favourite episode: Dinner Party.
Favourite moment from the "Convict" episode with Michael Scott as Prison Mike.
Favourite quote is: Happy birthday, Jesus. Sorry your party is so lame! It's so hard to choose
just one lol
eep: Hands down when he burns his foot. I laugh every time as if I don't know what's coming.
Dominick: Where are the turtles?!?!?
DJ Jazzy Flax: Haha love reading all your responses; they're making me laugh despite the fact
I'm sad over his departure.
fave episode: Casino Night, so funny from beginning to end & it was written by Steve!
fave moment: Michael proposing to Holly. Soup snakes for life!
fave quote: Michael to Toby in Diversity Day: "This is an environment of welcoming & you
should just get the hell out of here."
RandomPerson2539: I love Fun Run! (S4E1) That's the first time we get to see his blur
LOL... I have a sad sad pathetic life.. LOL
I think my favourite quote (at the moment) is "monkey see, monkey do, monkey pee all over
you" I couldn't breathe the first time I heard that. But there are soooo many quotes I can't
actually choose one... I quote him everyday!
debski: "Last week I would have given a kidney to anyone in this office. I would have reached
right into my stomach and pulled it out for them. But now, no, I don't have the relationship I
thought I did with these people. I hope they ask so they can hear me say..."Uh, no, I only give my
organs to my real friends...go get yourself a monkey kidney"! love you much xx
Carrie: I also like the episode Goodbye toby. I like when Steve sings hes so cute
toby its been nice hope you find your paradise" lol
WriterWheels: Favorite episode of my favorite show... Cafe Disco! (that was tough)
And some general Steve love:
WriterWheels: I wonder if Steve knows that there's a whole legion of fans who love him...
Julia: I doubt it! He even said in a quote he can't even imagine that there is such a thing of a
steve carell fan. he said he thought it seemed ridiculous. lol he said: "I am incredulous that there
is such a thing as a fan of Steve Carell; and I'm thankful, humbled and slightly humiliated by
that. "...He's too cute!!I lovee him!
Dnphil: I love the moment in Launch Party when Steve comes into the conference room in the
tightest purple shirt known to man. Kelly's response: "Why is it so tight?" "It's the European cut."
Getsmartgal: Great tribute to Michael Scott. My favorites are Cafe Disco & Casino Night. Also
Fun Run. So many to choose!
DJ Jazzy Flax: omg sweet! Thanks, button! And major thanks to Steve for 7 seasons of such a
great character.
Daisy: Hey everyone, this is my first time posting here and I really wanted to join in on the
conversation! If I had to choose one episode right now it would have to be Fun Run. I thought
the whole episode was hilarious from start to finish. I felt like I laughed every time Michael said
something. I especially loved when he told everyone Meredith was hit by a car and was alright.
That’s a really nice tribute for Steve! I can’t even imagine watching tomorrow’s episode:(.
Dominick: (posting for my bro) when michael is in the woods he yells "I have hemorrhoids!!!"
claudia: Gosh, this is so hard. Favourite episode would be Stress Relief,
favourite moment the proposal from michael to holly and
favourite quote: Toby is in HR, which technically means he works for corporate, so he’s really
not a part of our family. Also, he’s divorced, so he’s really not a part of his family.
flamingokid: Among my favorite Michael Scott moments is during the dinner party when Jan
answering Michael's comment that he's the only person to buy any Candles by Jan says, "you're
hardly my first!" and he comes back with a great angry, "that's what she said!"
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